8月24日 始業式 意見発表 表彰
The morning breeze was cool today, the 24th, for the second semester opening ceremony. Prior to the opening ceremonyat our school, we held an announcement and award ceremony for students who placed in sports competitions during the summer vacation. Due to an increase in corona virus cases, the ceremony will be remote.
The morning breeze was cool today, the 24th, for the second semester opening ceremony. Prior to the opening ceremonyat our school, we held an announcement and award ceremony for students who placed in sports competitions during the summer vacation. Due to an increase in corona virus cases, the ceremony will be remote.
手前に並んでいる受賞者。 奥の方の4名が意見発表する生徒。 The winners are in the foreground. The four students in the back share their thoughts. |
今回の受賞は、 男子剣道部 吹奏楽部 男子柔道個人 女子体操個人 です。 These awards are presented to; the boys kendo club, brass band club, boys judo individual, and girls gymnastics individual. |
Here are the thoughts of the four students. Two first year students, and one student from the second and third years.
The outline of their thoughts is as follows:
I want to enjoy activities and performances in brass band club!
I want to place importance on the dialogue between students in class and increase what I can do!
Change myself. Early to bed, early to rise!
Leave no regrets. For myself and for my class, I want to try my best!
生徒指導主任からは、2学期の生活について話がありました。 半袖シャツのすそについて、暑いときには外に出しても良いということも話されました。 体育祭までの期間を試行期間とします。 熱中症防止対策として取り組みます。 From the student guidance, we discussed second semester life. It was mentioned when it is hot out, wear short sleeved shirts, especially if outside. The trial period will be until the sports festival. We will work to prevent heat strokes. |
校長式辞。 何事にも「楽しむ」という気持ちをもつこと。 「本を読む」ということ。 体育祭は、全校生徒全員が楽しめる行事であってほしい。 From the principal: Have a sense of enjoyment in all things. Including such things as reading a book. The sports festival is an event I want all students to enjoy. |
2022/08/24 09:10 |
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