立志式に向けて2 1月26日

The formation of the coming of age ceremony for middle school students has been decided, and we are checking the flow of the students in the ceremony.

立志式テーマは「想 造 ~想いを形に~」。そして学年立志宣言。
去稚心・振気・立志・勉学・択交友 のことばは、幕末時代の天才と称された橋本佐内さんの著書「啓発録」からの引用です。
The theme of the ceremony is "Shaping Your Thoughts." Thus, students declare their aim in life.
The words of leaving behind immaturity, inspiration, making aspirations, the pursuit of knowledge, and choosing friendships; are quoted from Sanai Hashimoto`s written work "Record of Enlightenment." Mr. Hashimoto was called a genious of the late Tokugawa period.
Various efforts for the ceremony have led to the acquisition of self-reliance.